Monday, November 30, 2009

Eastern Philosophy Beauty Secrets

I am a huge believer in eastern thought and medicine for maintaining great health and well being. Don't get me wrong, I also use western medicine too. Where would my son be without the miraculous help of Emmanuel Hospital in Portland, Oregon last year. They helped him to recover after being diagnosed with RND (reflex neurovascular dystrophy) he had a lot of physical therapy and massage. After his release from the hospital  we worked with our Naturopath and Acupuncturist and he has now physically recovered.

His recovery helped me reaffirm my belief in the power of touch and eastern thought.  And as Thanksgiving was just last week I wanted to share what I am thankful for when it comes to a beauty regimen and eastern beauty traditions.  I have suggestions on how to have healthy glowing skin that is guided by this eastern philosophy. 

Stimulate your Chi

There are particular points on your face that can stimulate your chi, relieve tension and bring a glow to your cheeks.  Refer to chart on the right for these points, you will want to press each point with your fingers.  Then take your fingertips and rythmically tap all over your face like raindrops; and to stimulate circulation, gently pound your cheeks and forehead with loose fists, finally end this regiment by placing your hands over your face to soothe.  Take a few deep breaths.  This is a great way to start and end your day!

A couple of weeks ago I had the honor of hearing Jill Bolte Taylor (A Stroke of Insight) speak and throughout her presentation she would stop and have everyone "take a moment", we would stop and breathe a couple deep breaths.  Your breath is the easiest mechanism for taking control of your present situation.  A good deep inhale can take in six times as much oxygen as a shallow breath.  Increased oxygen intake fights free radicals and nourishes your body, mind and spirit. Deep breathes help to calm us down, focus and reenergize.

Live in Harmony with the Seasons
Each season deals with rejuvenation in a specific context.  Fall is the harvest season, a time for gathering up thoughts and ideas - a time to begin putting our lives in order.  Autumn controls the pathways of the lungs and the colon.  The Chinese book of wisdom, the Nei Ching, says that the large intestine is like the official who propogates the right way of living.  Autumn is a good time for body cleansing, which can include dry brushing.  Licorice root makes an excellent autumn tea, for it stimulates the colon and the lungs.  Apple is great to eat as it cleanses the colon while squash and pumpkins will assist with keeping intestines well toned.

For the face, try our new Mystic Seed Scrub as it contains whole rice bran, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds to help soothe and soften skin.

Visit us at Gifts From the Earth.

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