Monday, February 22, 2010

A Daily Regiment Part 1

Over the past few months I have had many women ask me how I keep my skin looking so good, and my answer is always the same a daily regiment.

The Schedule

As a business owner, wife, mother and now home school teacher my life is very busy and full. I am up by 6am, or earlier when I need to take my husband to the airport to catch a flight, and I am usually not in bed until 10 or sometimes 11pm. I have 2 ½ days at home with my 11 year old son homeschooling him, then there are the music lessons, working out, theater classes, volunteering and that is only my son’s schedule. My other 2 ½ days and a lot of evenings are my work time and whatever else needs my attention at that moment. My daughter is 18 and drives so her demands on my time are not as much.

Unless I am doing a show, giving a presentation, or have an emergency order I always try to keep the weekends free of work so I can have time to hike, bike and play. I treasure these days because they are the times when magic happens and moments are carved into my memory.

So when does rest and caring for my skin fit into the equation? I work out 3 -4 days a week and walk my dog every day. I mention working out because sweating out the toxins help keeps my skin clear, keeps me physically fit so I can carry on long days, not to mention it boosts my mood. If I am feeling happy then I am not as likely to eat things that are not good for me, therefore keeping my digestive tract in harmony with the rest of the body. And we all know that if Mom is happy the rest of the family can follow! I relax about 10 – 20 minutes after lunch to help recharge my batteries.

At the end of the day after dinner and dishes are done, lunches made for tomorrow, laundry folded, emails answered I can finally get to bed. I have been trying to get ready for bed early so that by the time I am ready to turn in all I need to do is climb into the covers and set off to dream land. Get ready for bed means every day washing my face and moisturizing among other things like teeth brushing and flossing.

The Steps of a Daily Regiment

1. Exercise and eat healthy
Sweats out toxins
Keeps your muscles toned and your cardiovascular fit
Boosts your mood
Good nutrition gives your skin the nutrients it needs to look great and thrive
Ways to get there:  walk, bike, yard work, house cleaning, leg lifts at the office, pack your lunch, stay away from carbonation, eat nuts and seeds

2. Take a break in the middle of the day and breathe
Recharge your batteries
Meditate – which actually makes a shift in your body at a cellular level not to mention it is great for your spirit
When we step away, we can return to things with a fresh perspective and new ideas
Ways to get there: lay down for 10 minutes, listen to relaxing music, massage, sit in car for a few minutes with eyes closed, take a few long deep breaths

3. Cleanse and moisturize your face every night
Removes dirt from pores
A combination of essential plant oils will work deep into the skin tissue
The essential plant oils will soothe your mind and spirit
Ways to get there:  use a non-striping cleanser, keep water temperature mild and use a deep penetrating moisturizer with pure essential plant oils (no fragrance oils)

The Solutions

Cleansing: It is a myth that a cleanser needs to lather.  If you use a lathering cleanser stop now as cleansing means "to be free of dirt."  I know it goes against everything you were ever taught about cleansing, but I assure you, it is much more gentle for the delicate facial skin to use something that works in harmony with it's natural cycles.

We have created an amazing cleanser that whisks dirt and makeup away without stripping the oils from the skin.  We call it Earthly Dreams Cleansing Oil.  Don't be turned off by it's name.  It is a combination of aloe vera, floral water, glycerin, grapeseed and olive oils that help attract dirt and make up so they can easily be wiped off with a moistened face cloth.

The special blend of pure essential oils works to penetrate the epidermis to help regulate seborrhea, acts as an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and a cell regenerator, improves circulation.

Click on the link above to get this gentle, yet effective cleanser and recieve a sample of one of our facial masks/scrubs. (When ordering write in the comments section which facial scrub you would like to try.)

Next week...Part 2 Moisturizers

Remember what I always say, "If you can't eat it, you shouldn't put it on your skin."

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